
OSDP Workshop

OSDP workshop led by Tim Elder starting July 15th to coincide with the Presidential Prayer Tour. This will be an important condition to help President Trump win in November. Let's us this time for activism, prayer and study of God's Word.

The Original Substance of the Divine Principle is based on the lectures of Rev. Jeong Og Yu, an elder church member who directly attended Reverend Moon for many years, and was personally instructed by him to develop the OSDP content. OSDP contains in-depth explanations of essential points of the Divine Principle. Reverend Moon instructed members to attend the OSDP lecture series five times in order to absorb the vital information contained within. Sign up for the Zoom Course: 

DP Bible Study Workshops

Divine Principle Eternal Blessing Seminar:
THREE One Day Workshops: July 20th

$10 to register. Lunch included.

Although this workshop is open to all, it is specifically for Rod of Iron Patriots who want to know more about True Father's teaching and who would be open to being blessed on October 14th following the ROI Freedom Festival at True Parents Memorial. Jim Stephens will be teaching the first seminar in July.

Original Substance
of Divine Principle

The Original Substance of the Divine Principle is based on the lectures of Rev. Jeong Og Yu, an elder church member who directly attended Reverend Moon for many years, and was personally instructed by him to develop the OSDP content. OSDP contains in-depth explanations of essential points of the Divine Principle. Reverend Moon instructed members to attend the OSDP lecture series five times in order to absorb the vital information contained within.

Download the PresentationTranslation NotesGlossaryOSDP Seminar, Rev. Yu on 8-15 July 2017Watch the 2023 OSDP 8-day Lecture Series
Purchase the Digital Version of OSDP:

Tears of True Father
Chapters 1-15


Good Sex, Bad Sex

Holy Spirit University

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Christ Kingdom Gospel